We're here to help

Connecting Wix from the eDesk App Store

Wix Is a cloud-based website builder that includes web hosting and design services. It makes it easy for users to build their site without either…

How to generate a token for the eDesk API

eDesk's API enables you to connect eDesk to the other applications that you use to sell, track, and manage your shop, so that they can send or…

Managing your team’s permissions using roles

All of your eDesk teammates have a user role associated with their account, giving them access to different tools in eDesk. It’s easy to…

Connecting eDesk from the Wix App Market

Wix is a cloud-based website builder that includes web hosting and design services. It makes it easy for users to build their site without having…

Search and Filters

When navigating through your eDesk account, the search and filters option will enable you to find exactly the tickets you're looking for. This…

How eDesk’s Mirakl Integration works

 So you’ve connected your Mirakl Marketplace with eDesk, great job!    The next step is to explore where your orders are going to be and…

Customizing the display in your eDesk Mailbox

Did you know that you can customize the information that's shown in your Mailbox, and also control the way information is displayed?  This…

AI Responses: Choosing between eDesk AI’s ‘Agent Assist’ and ‘Handsfree’ modes

Supercharge your customer support with eDesk's AI, which provides crafted, personal replies for your most common customer queries, and buys…

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